About This Course

This page offers a course description and general course information.

Target Audience:
Training Managers, Human Resource Managers, Functional Managers, Frontline Staff

Suggested Prerequisite:

Expected Duration:
2.5 hours


Do you really know what "sexual harassment" is?

Many employees think that it's different for different people, but the courts have clear standards for judging if specific behaviors are over the line.

Understanding exactly what constitute "quid pro quo" and "hostile environment" harassment - what is acceptable and what isn't - could keep you and your organization from getting involved in a legal nightmare.

"Most vistims of sexual harassment 'ask for it'." "Some are so attrative that harassers just 'can't help it'." "You can be accused of 'sexual harassment' if you merely pay someone a compliment."

Actually, commonly held beliefs like these are far from the turth. We're all human and we don't turn into robots at the office door, so we all need to learn how to handle sexual signals at work. But surprisingly, sexual harassment is usually nnot about sex at all!

This course will acquaint you with the truth about sexual harassment - what it really is, who its victims are, and what it can cost the perpetrator and the employer.

Finally, you'll examine an actual court case to see if you can apply what you've learned.


